The service is being provided as part of our drive for more sustainable transport and reduced private vehicle traffic in the Ullswater Valley; improving connections between where people are and where they wish to be within the valley. 

Now in its third year the visitor season Ullswater Valley bus service will start on Saturday 5th April with an extended service. This includes all Weekends and Public holidays and a daily UB1 service 25 – 30 May (Whit Week) and 30 June – 29 August 2025.

Our flagship UB1 (The Ullswater Hopper) connects holiday accommodation around the valley with destinations such as Pooley Bridge, Howtown and the Ullswater Steamers.

This service will operate on weekends and bank holidays from 31 March to 2 November and will additionally run a daily service between 25 – 30 May (Whit Week) and every day between 30 June and 29 August 2025.

The 509 runs from Penrith – Lowther – Pooley Bridge – Aira Force – Glenridding – Dockray – Troutbeck and onto Keswick. This service will operate on weekends and bank holidays from 31 March to 2 November.

These routes connect up with onward transport services already in place such as the 508 (Penrith to Windermere) and X4 and X5 (Penrith to the west coast).

On the map we have also marked walking routes – The Ullswater Way with Dalemain and Lowther loops and the Eamont Way – plus the Ullswater Steamer routes. You can now walk from Penrith Station to Ullswater, lunch in Pooley Bridge, steamer or bus to Glenridding and be in your accommodation by mid afternoon.

Travel sustainably, by boot, bike, bus and boat!

5 april - 2 Nov 2025: Saturdays, sundays & bank holidays

25-30 may & 30 jun - 29 aug: Daily service (UB1 only)

Click route to view full timetables

connecting services: 508 and x/4/x5 - 7 days a week all year round

Operated by Stagecoach, the Ullswater Bus serves both visitors and local residents. 

All their buses across Cumbria are dog friendly, and are included in the Government’s National Bus Fare Cap Scheme meaning you will not pay more than £3 for a single ticket. Children under 12 and English concessionary bus pass holders even travel free. There is also wheelchair space available and USB sockets at every seat.

Tickets for any Stagecoach service can be bought with cash and card on board buses from the driver or via the Stagecoach website and the Stagecoach Bus app. In addition combined bus and boat tickets can be purchased for a trip involving both Ullswater Steamers and buses. The 508 and 509 services provide direct links to Ullswater from Windermere, Keswick & Penrith.

Leave the car, take the bus!

The Ullswater Bus – UB1 and 509  – are bus services, operated by Stagecoach, connecting holiday accommodation around the Ullswater valley with destinations such as Pooley Bridge, Lowther Castle, Ullswater Steamers, Aira Force, Howtown, Glenridding (for Helvellyn), Keswick and Penrith and onward transport services already in place. It is part of a drive initiated by the local community for more sustainable transport and reduced private vehicle traffic in the area.

This year’s service consists of two new Ullswater routes in addition to other services already estableshed. Please see map above. 

UB1 will operate between Aira Force and Howtown via Pooley Bridge stopping at the main centres of accommodation (campsites, holiday parks, hotels) and at attractions along the way. In addition, at the discretion of the driver, you can ask the bus to stop anywhere on the route if it is safe to do so.

The 509 will run from Keswick, via the A66 and A5091 to Troutbeck, Dockray and Aira Force. At Aira Force, the service splits with three a day going to Gelnridding and Patterdale and four a day going to Pooley Bridge, ASkham, Lowther Castle and on to Penrith.

Please refer to the timetable for specific stops.

See timetable above. This is only the second year of a new bus service initiated and supported by the Ullswater community. We would like to run a more extensive service but it has to make financial sense. We consider our priority at the moment is to build awareness of the service and to accustom people to using the buses to travel around Ullswater.  Additionally, Stagecoach informs that in general buses are more used on weekends and bank holidays. 

All services are included in the Government’s National bus Fare Cap Scheme meaning you will never pay more than £2 for a single ticket. Children under 12 and English concessionary bus pass holders travel free.  Single and return tickets are available as well as day tickets valid on any Stagecoach bus, not just the 509 & UB1. In addition you can buy a combined bus and boat ticket for a trip involving both Ullswater Steamers and buses.

Tickets can be bought with cash or card on board the buses, from Ullswater Steamers, or on board other Stagecoach services. Also via the Stagecoach website and app.

The fares are priced per single journey. We will look at the possibility of other fare combinations in future years depending on demand and use. You can, however, buy a single ticket that will entitle you to travel on two or more of the Ullswater Bus, the Ullswater Steamers and other Stagecoach services.

No. This facility is not available this year. This is something we can discuss with Stagecoach if the pilot is a success.

Thank you to our Funders

Thank you so much to the following organisations for helping to make this project possible.

Grateful thanks also to all the Ullswater businesses and other local entities who have kindly offered pledges to cover the cost of the services in the event fare income is insufficient: Ullswater Holiday Park, Another Place and The Brackenrigg Inn, Park Foot Holiday Park, Hillcroft, Waterside, Rookin House, The National Trust (Aira Force), Lake District Estates (the Ullswater Steamers and Waterfoot Holiday Park), the Ullswater Inn, The Royal Hotel (Dockray), Verey Books, Granny Dowbekins and The Secret Garden, Ullswater Way Cottages, Inn on the Lake, Ullswater eBikes, Barton and Pooley Bridge Community Fund, Friends of the Ullswater Way, Matterdale Parish Council and The Quiet Site.

Please support our supporters as well as the buses!